What is SB 9 ordinance?
SB 9 California explained
Are you interested in SB 9 instead? What is SB 9? How would it work in a small or big lot? It’s a state bill that allows homeowners to add 2 Additional Dwelling units and one SB-9 House to single-family houses with specific requirements. It increases homeownership opportunities by allowing property owners in most areas of the state to divide their property into two lots; it also permits the construction of two homes on each of those lots, which has the effect of legalizing fourplexes in areas where only one home was previously permitted.
Simply put, you have 2 options with SB 9. Your first option is to divide your lot into 2 lots, in this case, each lot will contain 1 house and 1 Additional Dwelling unit (ADU). The Second option is Non-splitting SB-9 which will allow you to have 2 houses. SB 9 requirements may be different from one city to another call now (619) 450 9876 to schedule your site visit.
This video explained in option 3 is a small lot with an existing house. We demolished 25% and split the existing house into 2 houses and above each house, we added an ADU.
The video explained in option 4 is a big lot with an existing house. We split the lot into Lot 1 and Lot 2, Lot 1 has the existing house with an ADU and lot 2 has An SB 9 House and an ADU Unit.
📌 City of San Diego SB 9 requirements https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/pds/zoninghome/sb9home.html
📌 County of Los Angeles SB 9 requirements https://planning.lacounty.gov/sb9
📌 State SB 9 FAQ https://focus.senate.ca.gov/sb9
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#HousingMarket #SB9 #realestate #investment #sandiego #lotsplitting
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